ALGOL Max-R2KN with Single Column

Single column tester maximum structure capacity is 2kN (200kgf) with effective stroke up to 1.2metre. User can specify stroke of 600m or 900mm or 1200mm and also choose their desired loadcell capacity. Basic models come with built in rotary encoder of 0.01mm resolution & Special model with 0,001mm for the displacement. Optional elastometer ang grips can also be installed to check elongation

MODEL MAX-R2kN-SE-300 MAX-R2kN-SE-600 MAX-R2kN-BE-900 MAX-R2kN-BE-1200
Loadcell User to determine the loadcell capacity, as long as it does not excceed the Maximum Capacity of 2kN(200kgf)
Accuracy JIS B 7721 Class 1 for Tension & JIS B 7733 Class 1 for Compression
Max Load Cell Can input up to 5 Load cells
Unit Selection mN / N / kN / gf / kgf /lbf
Test Speed 1 ~ 1000mm/min Variable input by value
Display LCD Display 640 x 480
Data Storage Approximately 100 curves on 1.44Mb, Maximum depends on your USB Drive
Effective Stroke 300mm 600mm 900mm 1200mm
Length Resolution 0.001mm 0.01mm
Linear Accuracy +/- (50 + 0.15L) microns where L is the measuring length
Power  Supply AC 100 ~ 120V or AC 200 ~ 240V as per customer's requirement
Power Rating 300VA


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